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Top Five Review

March 20, 2015

Top Five journeys into the life of stand-up comedian turned prolific actor named Andre Allen. Which is nothing more than a loose auto-biography of writer director Chris Rock. By no means is this a bad thing he's had by all means a great career with few pit falls by entertainment industry standards. Chris Rock doesn't get as much credit as he deserves as a director in my opinion, he hasn't directed many films but they're almost all well balanced by all accounts, and in Top Five he brings he's best work to date.

Top Five is surrounded by a great cast, but the movie isn't carried by them alone the script gives way to many real life commentary moments that are completely believable. Unlike some movies where you find your self wondering why can't my life go like that and then you snap back to reality, and remember oh yea because it's the movies. The commentary is almost like you stepped into the screen and reality still hasn't changed regardless of the fact you in a movie.

The true gem of the movie is the sensual yet sweet chemistry between Chris Rock (Andre Allen) and Rosario Dawson (Chelsea Brown). Even though Chris Rock's Character Andre is due to marry his so called love that helped him through his roughest period in his life. You find your self truly wanting him to give it a shot with Rosario Dawson's Character. It's not like Chris Rock's wife played by Gabrielle Union is some awful diva either. What makes Andre & Chelsea's chemistry great besides the intangible is the conversational banter they share while discussing the more intimate moments of their lives during an all day expose interview Chelsea is conducting of Andre Allen. You as the viewer just know they feel right for one another.

The movie stayed realistic and grounded via Chris Rocks's use of a few personal experience that he went through as a young up and coming comedian. Which shed some interesting light, and a great deal of appreciation of what stand up comedians go through to make us laugh. The movie is unapologetic dealing with Andre Allen's struggles of handling fame, and brings forth the question that scares every comedian at some point in their career "Am I still funny"? Overall the movie has great heart following sizable laughs with a decent amount of old fashion "Will They Won't They" that will leave you smiling all the way through.

Film Grade: A

Star Rating